St. Paddy's / Appreciation Day

Is there a pot of gold at the end of this fruit rainbow?
Here's some shots of our annual Patient Appreciation Day on Saturday, March 16th.  

We had a busy three hours with around 50 people visiting Elan Family Wellness for chiropractic entrainments, reflexology, health coaching, food & fun.  We kept to a St. Patrick's Day theme with tattoos and face painting for the kids, green smoothies for everyone adventurous enough, and green shamrocks everywhere.  

The day was designed as an Appreciation Day to our Practice members and community, and as a way to raise funds and awareness for the charity Made by Momma.  

Mikaela getting ready for her first face painting customers!  

Scarlett & Amelie-2 butterflies!
Scott making Green smoothies for St. Paddy's Day!  
Musical guests Jessica Erlendson and Bob Erlendson

Some of the swag-all together we had 14 prize donors!  

  Somewhere in there, a bunch of practice members joined us and we were so busy we barely took a picture!  We're still fundraising for the rest of the week and look forward to seeing our final tallies!  Thanks for joining us!  


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