Appreciate You!

It's Appreciation Month at Elan Family Wellness.  I'm happy to have Janis Isaman join us with some words about Appreciating You!  Janis works with Elan Family Wellness Centre as a Health Coach and has great nutritional and lifestyle/fitness advice.  

This has been previously published in our March newsletter.

It's relatively easy to show appreciation to friends, family or even strangers who hold open a door.  With a simple smile or thank you, we say or show that we care.  But when was the last time you took a moment to appreciate YOU?  Here are some easy ways to give yourself the appreciation you deserve this month:

1. Turn off the inner critic!  Instead of focusing on what you didn't do or what went wrong, make a mental, verbal or written list of the ways that you accept yourself, good deeds you did or things you did really well.  You'll find your internal report card is filled with positive surprises. 
2. Eat like the King or Queen of Your World, because you ARE.   If you were preparing food for someone you respected, admired, and loved more than anyone else in the world, what would you go to the store to buy in order to prepare a lucious feast? That person should be YOU, so upgrade your food choices to reflect the way you know you should be eating.  Also know that it's also ok to treat yourself to some occassional indulgences, and make them count!
3. Spoil yourself.  What non-food gift do you secretly (or not-so-secretly) pine for at Christmas, Valentine's Day or on your birthday?  Why wait for someone to give you a trip to the spa?  Give yourself a gift and really take the time to enjoy.

Happy Women's Day!  


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