Outdoor Inspiration

We went to Banff this past weekend.

Absolutely one of the best things about living so close to the mountains, and also something we rarely take advantage of.  Beautiful mountains, fresh air, excellent sushi (don't we all go to Banff for sushi?), healing, mineral hot springs. Sounds lovely, yes?

While I was there, I checked my email and coincidentally, had one commenting on the benefits of being outside (kids and adults) for 2-3 hours per day.

Yes, 2-3 hours a day.  I don't think commuting in the car counts.  

Are you outside this often? Are your kids?

So many benefits of being outside:

  • Fresh air
  • Better sleep
  • More exercise (unless that's lying on a beach, or in a hammock)
  • Ability to explore our natural world-trees, bugs, animals, mud...
  • More neurosensory stimulation (like waking on uneven surfaces, balancing on logs, new textures)
  • Family time
  • Unplugged time

Did I find enough reasons without looking up any research articles?  I know the research is there, but if I start looking, it'll keep me from getting back outside.

How did you grow up?  On a farm?  Near a forest? Running over to your neighbour's house or the local playground?  

I really can't dispute that I should have my daughter outside at least 2 hours a day, and I can join her for at least 1 hour of that.  I'm thinking an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon is completely do-able.  In doing so, I will be adding value to many areas of my and our life-touching on the health benefits personally, adding the parenting role of immersing my daughter in as much nature "as possible", and including the view of a balanced health-style professional, so I practice what I preach!  

For now I will ignore my protests that there isn't enough time (there is) and that the weather may be too cold (it's not).  If you need to find me, I hope I'm outside!  

Outdoors at Lake Minnewanka by Stick Out Your Face Photography


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Sorry Scott-I deleted your comment and it looks permanent. Great photo though!

  3. Growing up on a farm was one of the most wonderful parts of my life, the outdoors everyday whether I wanted to or not. I do try often to get outdoors love that we are across from fish creek to just run, walk and let go!

  4. What an amazing challenge! You are so right about the "there isn't enough time" excuse. What if we started small?
    I grew up outside - morning to night. I lived in a very small town - we swam, we built forts, we skated on the outdoor rink. I miss that connection.
    It's time to do that again!!

  5. Nice blog really glad to have such type of blog to share my comment keep posting like that really appreciated.


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