Rhythm and Imitation

We had a Waldorf pre-school meeting last week where we discussed parenting and the different theories of human growth and human needs. Hearing our teachers, presenter, and other parents is inspiring to me. Parenting and teaching is a learning process in so many ways-getting to know our children, ourselves, and seeing how we grow into this role as parents. It is always encouraging to hear others going through similar growth and challenges.

This weekend I had a chance to review my notes from last week. My favorite part comes from notes on the Stages of Development in Seven Year Cycles (from G. O'Neil The Human Life). As our daughter is on the first cycle, that's what this will be about. The first seven years is about the development of the physical body with their life being about their sense response (development of their senses). I think of this as the time when these precious little spirits or angels are coming into their bodies and learning about the physical body they inhabit. Associative thinking is their mode of response. They respond well with rhythm and imitation.

Rhythm and Imitation.

That is all that I want to focus on. Since I've been out of town on two trips within 3 weeks, and our house has felt short on time, the only thing that I want to focus on is bringing the rhythm and routine back. That may mean re-introducing some routines that are a vague memory, but it feels like the most important thing to do right now.

Not to say that they haven't been doing well without me. One day, the two of them will probably value this daddy-daughter time together. It has been a very full few weeks for all of us. However, I think the biggest impact I can have in the next stretch of time in my "intentional parenting journey" is to focus on the rhythm and routine and to be someone worthy of imitation.


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