Nourish and Flourish

Thank you to Dr Robert Clarke, Network Spinal Chiropractor at Elan Family Wellness Centre in Bowness, NW Calgary, for these words about Nourish-our theme for the month! 

Nourishment comes in many forms. Of course what we eat and drink play a big role, but it's also the air we breathe, the people we socialize with, our thoughts and the information that fuels our brains altogether that nourish us.

Food – there is so much information on how we should eat, recently the Canada food guide came out with its latest recommendations. It is by no means ideal, yet it does highlight a few things that are good to pay attention to. Fruits and Vegetables should be a primary cornerstone of our meals. Drink more water, it should be our drink of choice. There is nothing wrong with having a cup of tea or coffee, but make sure it doesn’t replace your water consumption. Another recommendation I endorse is, turn off your screens and eat with friends or family. Not only does this create better digestion, it nourishes our minds.

As a social species, our connection with others is key to our well being. For some this means connecting with lots of friends and family, for others its have having a few key people in your life that you connect with regularly. So just like food choose to spend time with people who nourish you. People who spark your imagination, who lift your spirits, ones who inspire you to be the best version of yourself. Limit your time with people who drain your energy.

Information intake is often overlooked as a key aspect of our nourishment. The conversations we have, the books we read, the TV shows and movies we watch. We all spend a lot of time in front of screens these days, so be aware of what you are being fed via social media. Limit your screen time, choose the threads you follow carefully, select videos that inform and inspire you.

Given all the above, the biggest input to our brains comes from our bodies. Our posture, how our body moves, where there is pressure when we sit, stand or lay down. In order to function well we are constantly scanning our body position and where we are with regards to gravity. This massive input is constantly streaming into our brains, so how we hold our bodies and how we move feeds us. It is up to you to nourish it well by having good posture, and move your body every day, stretch, walk, run, do a yoga class, go to the gym. The more dynamic activity you do, the better you nourish your nervous system.
So, stand tall, eat lots of fruits and veggies, drink water, be mindful of your screen time and move your body every day. Do all of this with people who help lift you up and stimulate your mind.

Nourishing your Mind, Body and Spirit will help you Thrive.

~ Dr. Rob


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