Scott's Thoughts-March

Thank you to Scott Hutchison, Registered Massage Therapist at Elan Family Wellness Centre in Bowness, NW Calgary, for this article for March. 

As I write this I am watching the last of the February snows in BC. Just in time for the March snows in BC. With luck... Alberta will be spared and we will have t-shirt and shorts weather all month long. In the sun. The warm, warm sun.

The sun gets a bad wrap. Its been linked to a lot of bad things, but it is essential for human life. We must have it, but during the dregs of winter... we forget or simply skip it. With the cold and snow we have had... its hard to get out and be in the sun.

Do yourself a favour, and you can even write me your experience, try and get 10-20 minutes of sun exposure to your face and eyes. (No sunglasses for this period)
If you can... get 10-20 minutes on your skin if it's not super cold. See if that changes your mood, sleep and general sense of well being. After a February like we have had... anything outside is a good thing.

Nourish yourself this month and get out in the sun.

~ Scott


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