Paleo Food Experiment

Success is all in the preparation. For this part of the food challenge we have been largely unprepared. Never mind that my world was tipped upside down from my recent Advanced NSA Seminar, the food challenge must continue! Day 21- or Day Zero - I delayed the start of this portion of the challenge so that it wouldn't coincide with my day of travel and airports. Which meant it was a part-Vegan day, a little bit of cheat day, merging into some meat later in the journey. When I say cheat, all I mean is I had some yogurt with breakfast, had an incredibly stressful morning so barely ate anyways, and then cleaned out the fridge (Vegan) for lunch. I had my first meat at the airport with a taco salad (yes, I am in the US) and wine-great combo. Day 22-25 (Days 1-4) I have very little recollection of food this week-Scott has cooked 3 dinners and we also went out for one. Relatively standard-meat and vegetables, although we are figuring o...