The End of Vegan

We're continuing our Ten Day food experiment of eating a Vegan Diet. It's already Day 4 of Vegan (Day 14 of the challenge) and it feels like a fail, but we will persevere.

Day 14- I will say that I'm enjoying learning some new recipes, such as variations on the basic soup recipe-here's a cabbage-lentil-loaded soup. I felt the need for dessert so I baked some plums with a nut-fig-flax-hemp topping. Dessert passed the Scarlett test with 2 helpings.

Loaded vegan cabbage soup

Plum pudding

Day 15 - Complete disaster today.  Missing my eggs, I tried to make a frittata out of silken tofu.  Spongiest, greenest, non-eggs, I ever ate a mouth full of.  

It was green day, as I also made rice pasta with non-meatballs.  I tried them with white beans, spinach, flax, and some misc. items that didn't work out.  It tasted ok, but was very green and was just a bean paste.  I won't repost the recipe as I failed it or it failed me.  

Day 16 - I must be losing momentum as I didn't make anything new today-soup, vegetables, left over pasta.  

The pH thing I had mentioned earlier... really no change so far.  My saliva tested more acidic on day 6; my urine pH has varied from 6.6, to 6.8 on Day 4; to 6.4 on Day 6.  Not great.  

One thing I am really liking-coconut yogurt.  I never would have guessed, but its perfect with my granola.   The rice cheese I bought was also passable, but the fact that I ate it means I ate some milk protein, but just the smallest piece.  

Day 17 - I've started my travels so let the adventure begin!  I have packed and purchased some food and am uncertain what the next few days look like.  I am expecting that I will be eating a lot of soups and salads.  

And the last days of travel...have to say, not a lot of food options at mainstream restaurants. From salads, guacamole and chips, avocado and cucumber sushi, miso soup, stir fried veggies & tofu, I think I found most of the options. Nothing like beans cooked in meat to wreck a vegan diet.

I'll check my weight when I am home, and my pH, and see how this flight goes. Today, I can technically start paleo but I'll stick to vegan-like until I am home.

One good side effect- I may possibly feel energetically lighter after these 10 days, but it's hard to know as I just spent 5 days in a Reorganizational Healing environment. We'll see if paleo brings me back down to earth.


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