
Showing posts from 2019


Thank you to Margaret Kennedy, our Acupuncturist at Elan Family Wellness Centre, in Bowness, Calgary, for this article on SuperBrain Yoga. She will be leading classes in this in November and December.  In this day and age with so many problems we need to be grateful not only for what we have but what we are given. Our perception may have to be expanded when shown things that are “different”. Worldwide, people are grateful  to the Founder of Superbrain Yoga,  Mst. Choa Kok Sui.   With the rise worldwide  of both children and adults with various disabilities, professionals began research into Superbrain Yoga .   Parents whose children were challenged with Autism, ADD, ADHD, Depression, speech delay, compulsive disorders and behaviour problems started to use Superbrain Yoga with positive results.   The Research studies supervised by Medical Doctors showed both positive results and significant improvement in adults and children with a varie...


Thank you to Dr Robert Clarke, Network Spinal Chiropractor with Elan Family Wellness Centre in Bowness, for this article on the Sacred Season of  Transform. During the season of Transform, we begin to create changes in our lives, fuelled by the knowledge of discover. Often these changes are subtle, and sometimes they are very dramatic. The important thing to recognize is that we now have some control in how our lives move forward. At times, changes are needed, yet sometimes the change that is needed most is a change in perspective to have a significant effect on our lives. We also claim ownership of our gifts and our challenges, knowing that this is essential for us to maintain balance, and helping us to move forward. Transform needs energy to shift the patterns in our lives, so knowing yourself and what energizes you is important in these times. In transform, we find acceptance; Acceptance of where we have been, and how we have lived until now. This acceptance, or let...

Scott’s thoughts: November

Thanks to Scott Hutchison for this update on what's happening with Massage Therapy at the office! And it’s November! Which means an upswing in folks finishing up massage insurance packages for the year. Most packages have around $500 to use up for massage and Lisa and I always seem to see people scramble in December to use it all up. Why not start in November? We have an amazing program. It’s called the Massage Triple Pack. Some practice members have been using it all year, but I want to make sure you know about it too! 3 massages for $220 plus gst. That works out to saving you $50!!! Just do the program twice and you have maximized your benefits, received the amazing care your body craves and set yourself up for success during the busiest time of the year. us and we can get you booked in and started ASAP. ~Scott

Welcome to Heidi: Art Therapist

Help us welcome a new face in the office!  Heidi is an Art Therapist returning home to Calgary after 4 years in Medicine Hat, AB. Heidi has worked with domestic violence survivors, incarcerated men, adults in a mental health/ addictions facility ,  adolescents, the elderly, children , and developmental disabilities. Her passion is working from a trauma informed, mindful, and insight oriented approach. Heidi loves answering questions about Art Therapy, and runs workshops for organizations who want their team to have an embodied art experience. She's ecstatic to be part of Elan Family Wellness and is looking forward to getting to know the community.  Heidi Pedersen BA Psyc, DKATI, CCPA, CATA

Gratitude for November!

It’s an enjoyable month when we can shift into gratitude for life, practice and our practice members. November is when we typically wrap up our Practice Member of the Week program-hopefully you've had a chance to help celebrate the successes we see in the office. If you'd like to be considered in the future-please nominate yourself to us or Christine & Megan when you're in the office. We love to celebrate your health improvements and wellness choices!   Some of the successes we've heard this season: Resolution of initial sleep concerns for a little girl, long term solution for stability of chiropractic adjustments & their spine, help for physical pain, and benefits mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well, and how what they learn here, they are able to take and use in everyday life to benefit themselves ... with practice members from 5 months to 19 years in care!     While I've personally had a year with a lot of difficult challenges and ...


Thanks to Dr Robert Clarke, Chiropractor at Elan,  for this article on Awaken-the third Sacred Season in the Seasons of Wellbeing.  When we have effectively connected to ourselves through discovering and transforming, the next sacred season is Awaken.  Having let go of our attachment to our stories from the past we naturally flow into the space of all possibilities. In this place of soulfulness, we connect with our authentic selves. The authentic self always looks to grow and expand. In an awakened state we experience our connection with everything around us. We see the gifts in our challenges.  Understanding this we are compelled to share our gifts and receive gifts from others, allowing for a true connection with community. From this place we can effectively see the big picture and begin to create a richer fuller life. As much as the insights from this state often have us pause and absorb the energy of this beautiful space, awaken is an active state. The ins...

Fall Health Screening Day

You're invited!  In honour of World Spine Day & National Spine month in October, please join us for our Fall Health Screening Day. You will definitely want to take advantage of this tremendous opportunity if you would like to experience such advantages in your life and health as: A spine and neck that feel fantastic & Improved Posture! These benefits can In have a common source, which is a spine and nervous system that function in a well adjusted , healthy and vital way. Lets discover together how you can have more of what your really want in your body, your health and your life! Spaces are limited, so act right away! All proceeds going to The Little Free Pantry

Toasty Toes WrapUp

Thank you to everyone who brought in socks or donated money! We were able to collect or buy over 200 pairs of new socks this September! We collect them as part of the Toasty Toes Sock Drive with the Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors.  From our ACAC, "Despite our cold Alberta winters and consistent requests by charitable organizations, socks remain one of the least donated items. That’s why the ACAC, in partnership with Wood’s Homes and several chapters of the United Way, run the Toasty Toes Sock Drive every September. For the entire month, chiropractors and their clinics across the province work to collect donations of new socks, which are then distributed by our nonprofit partners to vulnerable Albertans." Thank you for all of your support! 

Scott's Travel Edition!

Thanks to Scott, Registered Massage Therapist and Energy Rich Coach at Elan Family Wellness, for this update for October behaviour month!  Hi everyone! As some of you know, I’ve had my fair share of world travel come up these past few months. I have been speaking, photographing and coaching remotely in the US and in Europe. I just want to thank my regular Massage and Allergy clients for their understanding of my schedule changes over the last two months. Watch for my new hours this month`- I’ve opened up times during Dr Josephene's schedule for those who want to do Chiro/Massage back to back. (Maximizing efficiencies) It’s time for you to pop in for treatment and we can finish up any unused insurance you might have for the year. Our   Massage Triple Pack  continues to be be a great way to maximize your yearly benefits or if your benefits have run out... it can save you big as you continue to honour your wellness. As I write this, I have just returned to snowy Calga...

Behaviour in October!

World Spine Day is October 16th with this year's theme to #GetSpineActive! Make sure to watch in office and online for how we are celebrating this exciting day and month.  As part of the celebrations, we will be offering  Complimentary Health Screenings on Saturday, October 19th   for your family members or friends; book them a time now as spaces are limited. Of course, chiropractic is a great way to keep yourself moving and doing the things you love! Not only does movement of the spine help how your spine and body FEEL, but when your spine moves freely, it also sends more information to your brain and helps brain health too. With our monthly office theme of BEHAVIOUR, its an excellent time to reflect on the amount and quality of the movement in our life, our body and in our spine. Are you getting a chance to experience enough exercise in your life? The Heart and Stroke Association recommends getting 150 minutes of exercise a week-that's an average of at least 30 min...

Welcome to Megan!

Welcome to the Elan family Megan! You'll be seeing her as you arrive at Elan for your chiropractic, massage or acupuncture appointment  or you may be speaking to her on the phone. We're looking forward to working with her!  A few words from Megan, "Hello, my name is Megan and I am really excited to be working at Elan Family Wellness. I moved to Calgary about 3 years ago from Saskatchewan and have been in Bowness the entire time. I have no plans of leaving either as I love the community and the people.  I am looking forward to getti ng to know more of you as time goes on. I frequent many businesses in the area, love going to local events and am now a member of the Bowness legion as well, so if you see me around please say hello as it may take me a little time to learn all your faces and names. Thank you and see you soon."

Structure in September

My practice members have heard this story: In early July I took on hiking the 75 km West Coast Trail on Vancouver Island to commemorate my 45 th birthday, camped for 6 days, had some falls and tumbles in the middle, and completed it after hiking out for 2 days & 24 km on an injured knee. I thought I had a strain/ sprain injury and endured crutches for 2 weeks, then walking sticks, got adjusted with chiropractic, had massages, went to my medical doctor, then the acute knee injury clinic and a sports medicine doctor and finally had a questionable x-ray and a confirming CT scan indicating that I fractured my knee (plus a meniscus injury). As I write this at the end of August, it seems timely (it always does) that we're here to talk about Structure in September, and my structure has been dumped upside down. Partly my structure in my body, and also my structure in life. It is impressive the health care services that are available to diagnose this in a timely manner. It...

Remembering the West Coast Trail

I've been reminiscing about the West Coast Trail trip! Its been 7 weeks since I finished and am still loving looking at and sharing the photos from the trip. Look how beautiful these ones are from our professional photographer Avi Prasad, who joined us on the journey!  The photos above is from the bottom of our FIRST ladder! Below left is Day One/ Below Right and Far Bottom Day Two and Owen Point. 

Healing Touch

Did you know that our Registered Acupuncturist Margaret Kennedy also offers Healing Touch? Thank you to Margaret for sharing some background on this therapy.  healing touch  (HEEL-ing tuch)   A form of complementary and alternative medicine based on the belief that vital energy flows through the human body.   This energy balances or makes stronger, a patient's body by practitioners who pass their hands over, or gently touch .   Healing touch is being studied in patients receiving cancer therapy, to find out if it can improve quality of life, boost the immune system, or reduce side effects.   Healing touch is a type of energy therapy. Also called therapeutic touch.   ~ Margaret

Nature's Living Wisdom

The following is from the most recent issue of ICPA's Pathways to Family Wellness magazine (its available in the office!) and I thought the subject matter aligned nicely with our monthly August theme of Seasons. “We are composed of rhythms and exist within the rhythms of nature... Seasonal, circadian, lunar, and tidal patterns don't just form the background to our lives-they are  our lives.” While many of us are rushing through our days and keeping tight to a paper/ computer schedule, summer presents the perfect time to synchronize with the patterns of ebb and flow around us. A few of the suggestions presented in the article: Awareness and Enjoyment of the daily transition of the sun rising and setting, and observing the stars in the sky at night. Witness the temporary moments-such as how the sun filters through your backyard or a fleeting moment of a butterfly passing. The concept of balance as constantly changing and dynamic. Look for the silence in your d...

Welcome to Kaley!

There's lots happening at our office! Here's a new face you will soon be seeing a lot of!  Please welcome to the clinic, Kayley.   You will seeing her behind the front desk during your visits to the office and we are very pleased to have her join us. Pop in and say "hi" next time you are in Bowness!    As some of you know, July 31st was Kim's last day. We will miss her and we wish her well as she goes "BACK TO SCHOOL"! ~ Scott

The Four Sacred Seasons

Thank you to Dr Robert Clarke, Network Spinal Chiropractor at Elan Family Wellness Centre in Bowness/ NW Calgary, on this article on Seasons. Over the next months we will be exploring the Seasons of Discover, Transform, Awaken and Integrate. We refer to them as Sacred as they are all essential to our growth. Our personal growth is often looked at during workshops and during times of challenge in our lives. We have the potential to grow every day. Looking at these seasons as Sacred helps us to prioritize our health healing and growth so that each day we can connect to our path and take a step towards being the person we want to be. Taking 365 steps in the right direction can dramatically change our lives, so that we can live healthier lives that are congruent with our path and purpose. Both the Network Spinal care we use and the 12 Stages of Healing exercises help guide your nervous system through these seasons. Discovering the patterns in your Body help you recognize how y...

Scott's Thoughts-JULY!

JULY!!! — all CAPS!!!   Yes! July! Can you tell I am super excited! July is one of our busiest months down at Elan and in Bowness. Here is the “not to be missed” list: Stampede Parade in Bowness! July 6th, come join us for the 30th annual Bowness Stampede Parade. Pop in for an entrainment before AND after Josephene heads off to the West Coast Trail. She is sure to have a great adventure, help us send her off and welcome her back. Bowness is hosting Movie In The Park at the BCA. July 27th, fun starts in the evening around 7ish with the movie starting about 9:30. Dress warm for after the sun goes down. Doctor Rob’s Birthday!!! If you can guess the date in one try, I’ll give you $10 off your next massage!!! See the front desk to enter for rules. That should get you started. Oh and stampede and pancakes and cowboy hats. But you already know all that boring stuff. ~ Scott

180 Days Challenge Complete!

For those following along at home... On June 20 th  I completed my 180 Day challenge-from Winter Solstice to Summer Solstice, I counted down the days until I turned 45 and prepped for my hike of the West Coast Trail in early July. My challenge was to stretch myself daily whether physically, mentally or emotionally. I tracked it with my inchy board so I would have a visual celebration and reminder. While my challenges were nothing of what I expected back in December, I do have a sense of preparation for starting this new season of summer and tackle-ing my hike ahead. The challenge is now complete which means I next have a birthday to celebrate, and then an amazing hike to enjoy just days later. All of it is more then I can digest in the moment and is also a huge accomplishment that I am immensely proud of. And community has supported me along the way! From my 180 Day Challenge Facebook group, to our office community, and all of the groups that surround myself, our fam...

Redefin'd Calgary

Thank you to Liz for these inspiring words about Redefin'd Calgary, the group we have worked with for our Patient Appreciation Day this year. They are a local Bowness organization making a big impact! The Redefin’d Recovery Community No outcomes,  only the rhythms of daily life.  Love. Struggle. It’s all the same.  Welcomed. Real.  We dance to that rhythm here, together, when we move forward as one,  no one misses too many beats. We are a trauma recovery community at Redefin’d. A group of people “going it together.” Being normal, being vulnerable and leaning on each other when we need to. We are where healing happens. When the greater community comes to experience Redefin’d, they say things like, “this is becoming my favourite place to be.” or “this is so natural.” Isn’t this what recovery should be? Relationship. The isolation our young people come from, the addiction, homelessness, living at the Drop-in Centre, and...

Patient Appreciation Day

Thank you to everyone who joined us on Saturday, June 22nd for our annual Patient Appreciation Day! It was a sunny, fun-filled day celebrating our awesome practice members and the great community of Bowness - and also this year's Chili Cook-off Winner, Dr. Rob! We were able to fund raise almost $500.00 for this year's community organization, Redefin'd! To learn more about the inspiring work they do, keep reading to find an article written by the founder and executive director, Liz Duerholt. Thank you to all who supplied us with a prize for our raffle draw(for those who entered, you may be in for a surprise on your next visit!): Pin Ups Hair Shoppe Dell Cafe Sage Traditions Stonespeaker Tao of Peace Forever September Creations Thirty-One Starbucks

Words from May Practice Members of the Week

We like to celebrate the successes under Network Spinal Chiropractic care!  "I have been under care since March of last year. Before Network Chiropractic, I had bad posture and was confused about what life held for me. I was not confident in myself or my skills. I was motivated to improve my posture and possibly more, however I was unsure of what "more" was.I have noticed I now have better posture most of the time and that I have a new found confidence and have figured out what my passions are and where they can lead me in terms of work. I have noticed a lot of changes behaviorally and I feel more aware of any emotions and do not react to much anymore.I feel like my patience has come back as well!" - Sherry M. "I have been under care for 4 months! Life was stressful before Network Chiropractic. I began care because I was originally motivated to see what it was about and to help with health.Since starting care I have more energy and I am more relaxed and happ...

Scott's Thoughts: Appreciation

Thank you to Scott Hutchison, Registered Massage Therapist with Elan Family Wellness Centre in Bowness, NW Calgary, for these thoughts on Appreciation!  They say 10 thousand hours is the magic number to consider mastery in anything. Since the Bowness location of Elan opened in September 2014 we have hit our 10 thousand hours of serving from the NW of Calgary and more specifically... Bowness. Thank you. On behalf of Rob, Josephene, the practitioners and staff... thank you! Many have joined us over that time, some have moved on, and many we see weekly. We are grateful to continue to serve. To those joining us on June 22nd for our Appreciation Day... thanks in advance and vote for my chili during the 3rd annual Chili Cook Off during the event. With appreciations... ~ Scott

Mark the Date! Patient Appreciation Day!

~ We'd love to see you at our PATIENT APPRECIATION DAY! Come on down for Chiropractic Entrainments*, Workshops, Food & Fun! All by donation! Enter to win raffle items featuring local Bowness businesses. All proceeds going to Redefin'd Calgary! *all are welcome to attend our workshops or drop by for food & activities; Network Spinal entrainments are for current practice members only. Saturday, June 22nd 48, 7930 Bowness Road NW, Calgary AB 10:00AM-2:00PM Please call us 403 217 5577 to book a time to visit us this day! 

Vision Quest Insights from Dr Robert Clarke

Thank you to Dr Robert Clarke, Network Spinal Practitioner at Elan Family Wellness, in Bowness, NW Calgary, for these insights from his recent Vision Quest. June is our Appreciation Month!  I recently had the honor of doing a Vision Quest, during which I got to sit for 4 days on a Beautiful parcel of land with myself, the earth and the cosmos. I received many insights over those days, one of the biggest gifts was appreciation of my journey and all the blessings I have. My health, my children, my work, my friends and family, this beautiful country and so much more. I am truly grateful for the teachings I have received throughout my life. The vision quest had less than ideal conditions, during the rain and the snow of that weekend I saw the reflections of those challenges and the challenges I have faced in my life. When things are flowing well in my life, I am grateful, when challenges come my way I work to see the lessons. It takes practice and often the wisdom gained, or the gift...

Practice Member of the Week Celebration Dinner

Practice Member of The Week Celebration Dinner Thank you to everyone who joined us on Thursday, May 23rd in our celebration of an array of practice members all dedicated to their chiropractic care. We enjoyed getting to know you and your guests all a bit more and look forward to seeing you again! Thank you to Phil, Barb & the team at Extreme Catering (also in Bowness/ NW Calgary!) for hosting us, another excellent dinner! This program will continue in the Fall & we will be collecting your nominations of who you think deserves the recognition of Practice Member of the Week!   

June is Appreciation Month!

Please join us for our Annual Patient Appreciation Day on June 22 nd ! It's one of my favorite days as we get to appreciate YOU, our practice members, our North West Calgary community, and local Bowness businesses! We guarantee their will be awesome door prizes, food, and a chance for Network Spinal chiropractic entrainments and educational, inspiring talks! We will be using the day to also increase awareness and raise funds for Redefin'd - a local Bowness group helping young people redefine their life through meaningful work (and amazing food!)  As June is our month of Appreciation, we also get to take the time to share some thoughts on the topic. June is a big month for me as I will be completing my 180 day challenge stretching myself in preparation for the West Coast Trail in July, and I will be turning 45, which is the reason I'm doing so! If you join me NOW, you can finish spring out with a 21 day challenge to bring a new healthy habit in to your life. With all ...

Family Wellness Evening

We love to see kids at Elan and from the families we see under care, know it is amazing for their overall spinal and nervous system health and to keep up with their regular bumps and falls! Once a month we have a Family Wellness Evening for both our new families and those under care. We believe it is important to have a community where you can discuss relevant health and wellness topics~please join us!  After a short presentation on “Why Chiropractic Care for Children?” with Dr. Josephene Juell, we will have the opportunity for discussion on topics from Pathways to Family Wellness magazine, or Q&A on related health and wellness topics. All ages welcome. (no childcare on site, office play area available for kids.) Next: Tuesday, June 25th at 7:00PM Complimentary!

Benefits of Mindfulness

Thank you to Margaret Kennedy, Registered Acupuncturist with Elan Family Wellness Centre in Bowness, NW Calgary, on this article on the benefits of Mindfulness.  Mindfulness  is the energy of being aware and awake to the present moment. To be  mindful  is to be truly alive, present and at one with those around you and with what you are doing. There are many ways to practice Mindfulness and even more books that can be obtained either via the internet or library to learn more on the art of mindfulness. Some ways that mindfulness can help you: It reduces overthinking which damages the spleen meridian. It alleviates stress, improves memory, the ability to focus and improves learning. It helps one to be non-reactive to others, so that in the midst of crisis you can remain calm. It allows us to think differently, so de-stressing our lives It enhances our compassion, empathy and kindness to ourselves and others so increasing our ability to be happy. This lessens our...

Happy Mother's Day!

For all of the women and moms out there! For all of the sacred ways that women create and mother. "She is the healer, the nurturer, the tender of the garden, the guardian of our future, the kitchen witch & magic maker, the creator, the lover, the mother...she is a woman and her work is sacred." ~Brooke Hampton.  We had these beautiful roses in the office this past week to honour our moms and the moms in our lives. A small token of the huge and sacred work that women do.  Thank you to the many women and moms out there who choose us for their chiropractic, massage and acupuncture care, and who trust us with their family wellness care. We value your trust! 

Scott’s Thoughts: Mindfulness May

Thank you to Scott Hutchison, Registered Massage Therapist and Professional Coach, with Elan Family Wellness Centre in Bowness, NW Calgary, on this article on may mindfulness. This I find to be a loaded weapon. When I sink down into a process like mindfulness... or as I know it... now-ness, I am hijacked, to some extent, by the stories I carry around.  And inevitably, I move from mindfulness/now-ness to a painful memory from the past that may pop up on me during my experience. It kinda sucks. To counter this... I have learned to simply give myself permission to come again and again into my mindfulness. Often I would beat myself up about it.  Now, I recognize that when my mind does this... it is doing so as some weird or misguided protection strategy. But giving myself the permission to have a second or two of wandering and gently move my mind back to “now”... I regain control over my mind from a higher level of optimization. Then I practice and practice. Usually ...

April Practice Members Of The Week Testimonials

We are in the middle of our Practice Member of the Week celebration and are overjoyed to read the health changes that our practice members experience under care. Here's a peak at April's comments!  "I have been in care for 6 months. Life before Network Chiropractic was busier - Elan helps me to relax and be more in tune with my body! What originally motivated me to seek care was a car accident and a referral from a friend. Since beginning care, I notice my body is relaxing and strengthening and I am increasing in personal awareness. I enjoy coming to Elan - great staff, kind, flexible and friendly!" - Rachelle P. "I have been in care for 4 years! Life before Network Chiropractic was more stressful and physically uncomfortable. I was originally motivated due to a fall that caused a concussion, bruised sacrum, headache and sore jaw. Besides noticing a change in general pain, I am more relaxed and calm and able to handle stressful situations both at work ...