Stories, Chants, and Drums

We stepped out of our comfort zone for our world's new beginning, aka December 21st, 2012.  The evening was organized by Lucinda of Anam Wholistic   It was a nice way to celebrate a "new world heart-focused vision!"

We were perhaps a little brave attending with our daughter (especially considering the length and intensity), and may have experienced more of the healing benefits if we had left her at home with a babysitter.   Ah, the paradox of the evening.  Considering there were children's activities and wanting to include her, all three of us went-Scott volunteering to photograph and myself keeping one eye and ear on Scarlett and one eye and ear on the activities.  Besides, its easy to say yes to events in Bowness!  

We started off with a kids story time, crafts, dressing up and coloring.  Wrote a few intentions to hang on the tree.  First the kids world.  Then checking out the vendors, artists, visiting with friends, and having a snack. A bit of a merge into the adult world. When the presenters started-definitely into adult world now, I truthfully missed most of the beginning.  There was a First Nations Ceremony as they prepared the speakers and presenters, and then I continued to have a squirrely daughter on my hands for the story telling portion with Dr. Terry Willard.  (But stories!!! Kids love stories?)

When there was more noise and excitement it was perfect for kids-I enjoyed chanting along with Deva Shakti, and drumming in the HUGE drum circle (One World Drum Co. and Circle of Rhythms).  I'm still in awe of the didgeridoo's. The kids had been eager to drum all evening, but then Scarlett lasted maybe 5 minutes before she wanted to play more dress up.  We also did a bit of Movement exploration/ dance as we know it!  In between, we visited the Community Canvas about 5 times to add another layer of paint.

My body is still vibrating from the energy.

The evening was based on a traditional Shaman practice for restoring balance in a person's life.  The patient is asked (quoting from Lucinda):  

  1. "When did you stop singing?
  2. When did you stop drumming?
  3. When did you stop dancing?
  4. When did you stop being enchanted by stories?
  5. When did you stop being comfortable in silence?"

As I reflect on the event...Isn't there so much more that we could learn from our children?  The kids never stop playing and want to DO the stuff instead of having to wait.  Don't think about handing out a drum until its time to bang it.  If there's a floor space, its time to dance.  I haven't put my finger on how we can incorporate all ages into an event like this with more grace.  (As a parent I was not graceful thinking..."you're too loud... you're disrupting the healing!").  And no, letting her run crazy and ignoring her wasn't the answer either.  I think it's lovely for the littles to be in this energy and community.  But I have to know, if there's a person in the crowd that's complained about my husband's camera flash, what are they thinking about the ragamuffins playing tag in the corner and jumping over the bodies receiving the healings?  Is it a matter of re-learning how to be in community, with all ages present and engaged?  

I wanted to give our little angels a bit of fairy dust to sprinkle over the bodies, and a teacher to lead them to sing in their sweet voices. 

I know our littles are still mainly in a spiritual place and are learning about their bodies and discovering their world; versus us bigs who are tired or bored of our bodies and seeking the spiritual (no arguments on that please-let me generalize that many want pain or suffering to go away, they want to transform their lives, and then seek an awaken/ spiritual state).  When I look at the above 5 questions, its obvious why we have stopped singing, drumming, dancing, being enchanted by stories, and being comfortable in silence.  But lets look at these faces and help them share their running, jumping, yelling, and playing with us.  

I have more really amazing photos to come from Scott, but I write faster than he edits!  


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