I'm Learning too!

I dropped Scarlett off at school this week and picked up a stack of articles-on warmth, meals and the importance of getting enough sleep.

Then I went to the Parents Advent Respite (which was lovely!) and picked up another stack of articles on story telling, Advent songs, winter celebrations and I'm not sure what else as I haven't made it through the stack yet.

That was when I realized that my learning requirements are close to my daughters with respect to our new school. I will never run out of content for my blog, at this rate. Or stories to learn, songs to sing!

Or respect for our teachers as I am in awe of the learning environment that they create, and all of the work and dedication that it takes.

Does it count that I'm blogging as I walk on the treadmill? I think the holidays are getting to me. This time at the gym may be my quietest all day! And of course, today was the day that I saw the Facebook quote (my misquote), "You mean they spend money to buy a car so they don't have to walk, so that they can drive to a gym and pay to walk on a treadmill.". Yes, like that.


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