The Private and Public Face

I stole the title, but I'm sending you to her website below.

Isn't it great that once you make a commitment in a certain direction, all else falls into place?  For example, if I haven't already mentioned it, the upcoming Pediatric Magazine Pathways to Family Wellness, has an article written by a Waldorf Education on an art technique.  A speaker I recently heard present at the Waldorf was speaking on the topics of heart development, community, body movement helping brain development...  (too much to get into today!).  It was inspiring to hear educators speak in such a manner.

Today's post is inspired by another blog post:  Dr. Liz is a chiropractor and coach.  I think the title says it all-the private and public life.  Enjoy her thoughts!

For me, this is always a test when:
  • I'm at the gym in my sweats (ok-yoga-like workout clothes) and I run into a practice member.
  • I open my door on a Sunday morning with no makeup and sopping wet hair to one of Scott's friends. 
  • I'm at work and our daughter acts like she's 4 (she is) and runs around, makes noise, and tests me a little bit because she knows that my public persona won't freak out on her.
  • I'm anywhere in public and the conversation moves to, "Oh, you're a chiropractor... I have this pain in my neck..."
And as a later thought...I've commented before on my old blog that my daughter is MASTER of the public persona-an absolute angel at times in public when 5 minutes before we were in a screaming fit.  Wherever does this come from?  

I like Dr. Liz's post as I always have the introverted desire to hide from the world, but of course, I've chosen a profession where I will always be in public.  No need to analyze me, I know I'm an introvert, but I am also both people and task oriented.  The private and public face discussion is why I wanted to write this blog-to bring my two faces into congruency and authenticity.  It's coming.  I'm just debating if I'm going to start a radical transformation-diet, exercise, mentally, parenting-style, etc.- or if it will just arise from my musings along the way with gentle nudges in the direction I'm moving.  Maybe both.  I like the suspense of my indecision.


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