Office Tour-Elan in Bowness
Welcome to our office-we look forward to seeing you! In case you haven't been by yet, I thought I'd give you a preview of what you can expect when you come for a visit. Reception Area Front Desk Entrainment Space for Network Spinal Analysis and a peak into Private Chiropractic Consult Room One of three private Treatment Rooms (Massage Therapy) We hope to share our office space with you soon! You can help us to celebrate the new space by joining us for our Grand Opening Celebration (AND 10 year birthday party!). Join us Friday, December 5th 5 pm - 7 pm. We're building our collaborative mosaic, and will have gift bags for our first 50 in attendance, a door prize draw, drinks and snacks, and crafts for the kids! We're also kicking off our season of giving, by collecting donations for our Adopt a Family from the Bowness Boys and Girls club. Please RSVP at 403 217 5577.